Saturday, May 2, 2015

Nice weather today

It's like 70 degrees here. I just wish my allergies wasn't messing up. It's annoying to be doing stuff and your nose starts running, I will be glad when this part is over. My son had a soccer game today. It was beautiful for it. He won 2-0 would have been 3 but they didn't count one of the goals but that is not ok. As long as he  still wins. He used to be such a poor sport about losing. I'm glad we haven't had to see that at all. I really hope this warm weather keeps up. I'm loving it. Can't wait to be able to have the windows open at night.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


My son is playing soccer again. He has the same coach but is on the black team. He has two other boys that are his friends on his team. He seems to be enjoying himself this time. On Saturday they won their first game 2-1. I hope they keep winning!