Friday, February 20, 2009

Just now getting to posting these

My boy got to say the pledge with his class at the basketball game.. here are the pics. He is learning so many things this year... And he may get to start playing Tball this spring.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

since I'm having a bad day

I figured I might as well post. I am posting some pics too. Two are of my boy- dressed up as "being daddy" said he was getting ready for work.

The other two pics are of the yard, since the snow kinda started melting, and we got new snow on top- and how deep it is in some parts of the yard. Hope its not to hard to tell.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I so hate mondays! But at least the temp has been kinda mild. I am sure we will get some more snow this week though. It started melting the other day, so it figures we will get some more snow.

Hope everyone is doing better than I feel today!