Monday, May 18, 2009

field trips this year

He had a field trip to the firestation. It was a lot of fun.

We've been busy!!

This is his preschool pics for this year. I think he looks so cute with his little cap and gown on.

This is his T Ball team. Go Braves!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today was such a beautiful day!! we spent some time outside. Also it was Hubby's birthday but he had to go to work, so he didn't have as good of a day.
We really haven't done much this week to post about. But we are hoping the weather stays nice now.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Just now getting to posting these

My boy got to say the pledge with his class at the basketball game.. here are the pics. He is learning so many things this year... And he may get to start playing Tball this spring.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

since I'm having a bad day

I figured I might as well post. I am posting some pics too. Two are of my boy- dressed up as "being daddy" said he was getting ready for work.

The other two pics are of the yard, since the snow kinda started melting, and we got new snow on top- and how deep it is in some parts of the yard. Hope its not to hard to tell.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I so hate mondays! But at least the temp has been kinda mild. I am sure we will get some more snow this week though. It started melting the other day, so it figures we will get some more snow.

Hope everyone is doing better than I feel today!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

another snow day

Boy was my son disappointed when they canceled school today. Why did they cancel? Because we got a little snow.

I'll add some pics. I also added one of my cat. This is her new place to lay- in the window in a shoe box.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

forgot to mention

Today my son tells me that he wants to buy this house and live here forever cause he loves it here.

I just think it is funny because our old house, he didn't have his own room. It was much smaller than this place and he really didn't have a yard.

Now he has 19+ acres to play on. Not sure if we are gonna stay here forever, but I am liking it here myself. It is sooooo quiet.
I was getting used to the neighbors fighting in our front yard. We don't get that here. We barely see the neighbors.

Anyways, I wanted to post that.

I am gonna try to go to sleep now. I seem to have problems sleeping when my hubby is working nights, but I need to try or I will be a zombie in the morning.. good night.

We have been sick

I wanted to keep this as up to date as possible. But we have all been sick with a bad cold here that I haven't been able to keep up.

I have had it the worst. My boy, had it not as bad but he got it first. I am wondering if he got it from school and brought it home.

anyways, he is on the mend. I am to but more slowly then him..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Starting this blog

Well, I decided my memory isn't the best anymore, so I wanted to start a blog for my son to help me remember these special times in his life. This was pics from Christmas this year. It was 4am because Daddy had to leave for work and was going to be gone all day..... but he did get to see this!